​Flotation line

​Copper mining industry engineering holding

Investigating the process of copper flotation and the use of copper sulfate in improving the productivity of mineral processing

Flotation is one of the main techniques in the processing of ores containing copper, which is widely used in the mining industry due to its ability to separate valuable materials from waste materials. This paper reviews the copper flotation process in detail, the role of copper sulfate as an activator in process improvement, and the importance of controlling operating conditions.Also, the industrial uses of this process by the copper mining industry engineering holding will be mentioned. At the end, a table of various characteristics of the flotation process, including chemicals and their effects on the process, is presented.

​Copper flotation: mechanisms and key steps

The flotation process consists of complex steps that are carried out to separate mineral particles using the difference in their surface properties. In the following, the different stages of this process will be discussed.

Grinding and preparation of minerals :
 First, minerals are converted into fine particles in stone crushers and mills. This step is necessary to increase the contact surface of mineral particles with chemicals.

 Forming slurry and adding chemicals::
The crushed particles are mixed with water to form a slurry. Then chemicals such as collectors, frothers, and copper sulfate are added to the slurry.

Collectors: are chemicals that stick to the surface of mineral particles and increase their water repellency.

Copper sulfate: This substance acts as an activator and activates the mineral particles to easily stick to the air bubbles.

Air injection and formation of bubbles:
In this step, air is injected into the slurry to form air bubbles. These bubbles stick to the surface of hydrophobic particles (such as copper sulfide particles) and carry them to the surface of the slurry. As a result, gangue particles remain at the bottom of the tank due to their hydrophilic property.

Separation and removal of foam:

Bubbles containing mineral particles come to the surface of the slurry and are collected in the form of foam. This foam contains copper particles, which are then transferred to the next stages of processing to become a copper cathode.

The role of copper sulfate in improving flotation performance:

Copper sulfate in the flotation process plays an important role in activating the surface of mineral particles. Especially in cases where ores contain large amounts of copper oxides, the use of copper sulfate as an activator helps to improve process performance. This material makes the surface of copper sulfide particles more hydrophobic, thus increasing the efficiency of the flotation process.

Impact on the processrole on the flotation processChemical substance
Increasing the adhesion of mineral particles to bubblesActivatorCopper sulfate
Improved separation of copper particles from KangIncreasing the hydrophobicity of mineral particlesCollectors like (thantate)
Creating stable bubbles on the transport of mineral particlesFloor stabilizationfloor builders such as (mibc)
Optimization of chemical reaction conditionsAdjust the pH of the grout materialpH controllers such as slurry

Flotation in copper mining industry engineering holding
As one of the main players in Iran's mining industry, Copper Mining Industry Engineering Holding plays an important role in the development and exploitation of the country's copper resources. With more than 30 years of experience in the copper processing industry, this holding company has been able to apply the latest technologies in the field of flotation and improve productivity.

Copper Mining Industry Engineering Holding uses advanced flotation equipment and processes to separate copper from ores. Considering the variable quality of ores in Iran's mines, this holding uses optimized methods to extract the maximum amount of copper recovery from ores.Among these measures, we can mention the use of online process control systems, the use of accurate analyzes of the surface of minerals, and the use of advanced chemicals such as copper sulfate.

The role of copper sulfate in holding flotation:

The use of copper sulfate in the holding flotation process of the copper mining industry has been widely used in order to improve the recovery of copper particles. This material helps to activate the surface of the mineral particles and makes the copper particles stick to the air bubbles better. This not only increases the quality of the separation, but also reduces the amount of energy consumed in the process, which helps reduce production costs and increase profitability.

Important projects and achievements:

Over the past decades, the copper mining industry engineering holding has implemented numerous projects in the field of copper processing through flotation. Some of these projects include the following:

Optimization of the flotation process in sulphide mines:
In these projects, by using new chemical compounds and precise pH adjustment, the amount of copper recovery increased dramatically.

Copper recovery from low-grade ores: In order to improve the efficiency and use of low-grade resources, the holding was able to increase copper recovery even from low-grade ores by using modern flotation methods.

Advanced process control:
By using smart systems and using online data, the holding has been able to continuously control the flotation process and guarantee the quality of the final product.

​​​​​​​Relying on technical knowledge and extensive experience in the field of copper flotation, Copper Mining Industry Engineering Holding has been able to play a prominent role in the sustainable development of Iran's mining industry. Optimal use of copper sulfate and advanced technologies in this holding have helped to reduce costs and improve the quality of copper processing. The future of this holding, focusing on improving processes and using new technologies, draws a clear vision for the country's copper industry.